Affiliates Program

NEQ1The SFEMS Affiliate Program offers assistance to local and regional organizations that share the Society’s commitment to music for educational purposes, artistic excellence, a historically informed approach, and operation on a not-for-profit basis.  In existence since 1980, the SFEMS Affiliate Program has helped numerous Bay Area early music organizations to succeed in their various missions. Many of our past and present affiliate organizations are small and community-based, but others, like Philharmonia Baroque Orchestra, have gone on to greater visibility in the Bay Area and beyond.2L_archetti_instruments_72

Participation in the SFEMS Affiliate Program is open to organizations that meet the Society’s eligibility requirements and that do not have federal 501(c)3 tax-exempt status.

Musicia PacificaDonations to SFEMS affiliates are tax deductible to the full extent allowed by law. Checks should be made to “SFEMS” with the name of the recipient affiliate on the “for” line.  Online donations should include the affiliate’s name in the “Notes” field for correct attribution.

How to become a SFEMS affiliate.