“Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.” Almost 60 years ago, the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. wrote these words from prison, exhorting our nation to overturn its legacy of systemic oppression and racial injustice.
This is an extraordinary moment in the life of our country. In the midst of a pandemic that has already brought great suffering, we were brutally reminded that the shackles of poverty and prejudice remain as tight as ever on people of color, especially our black siblings.
Therefore, we at SFEMS want to affirm our support, today and every day, that #BlackLivesMatter. This early music community is one where it is safe to feel angry, sad, and to seek solace.
As lovers of early music, we explore the past not to blindly emulate it, but to recognize our shared humanity across time and space. We also recognize that there are many stories that have been marginalized and need to be told.
We understand that this is an ongoing conversation, and that we must actively participate in the search for institutional solutions to lift up people of color in early music. Ultimately, the community we seek to create is one that affirms the dignity of each and every individual.
We hope that you will join us in this collective endeavor.
On behalf of our SFEMS Staff and Board of Directors,
Derek Tam, Executive Director