Become an Affiliate


manwalk180FullThe Society’s Affiliate Program is intended to facilitate the development of individuals and groups devoted to increasing public appreciation of early music, in accordance with the Society’s articles of incorporation and mission statement.


The applicant for affiliate status must be an individual or organization that shares the aims of the Society. Minimally, this implies a commitment to “music… for educational purposes,” as stated in the Society’s articles of incorporation. Further desirable characteristics include:

  • Emphasis on performance and/or instruction
  • Commitment to an historically-informed approach
  • Intention to operate on a not-for-profit basis

The applicant must have a clear, demonstrated capacity to perform the proposed project (whether one-time or ongoing) at a level of high professional quality, evidenced preferably by the track record of the organization or of the individual participants. The applicant must also demonstrate the capacity to administer the project and make required reports to the Society and to other agencies.

The applicant must demonstrate a clear need for the Society’s support and should simultaneously pursue other, complementary avenues of achieving its goals.

The applicant must be based within 180 miles of San Francisco.

Benefits of Affiliate Status

The affiliate will be eligible, as determined on a case-by-case basis, to:

  • Use the Society’s corporate and tax-exempt status to facilitate the solicitation of public grants and private donations. All donations are acknowledged and documented by the Society before distribution to the Affiliate.
  • Obtain liability insurance certificates at a nominal cost
  • Maintain presence on and linkage from the Society’s Web site
  • Use the Society’s non-profit bulk mailing permit (at cost)
  • Use the Society’s mailing list (at cost)
  • Place advertising inserts in the Society’s newsletter and other mailings (at cost)
  • The affiliate may also apply to the Society for consulting services in a variety of areas, to be made available from time to time at cost: planning, organization, finance, accounting, administration, development and fund raising, audience development, booking and tour arrangements, house management, and box office services.

Obligations of Affiliate Status

The affiliate must comply with all of the terms of the affiliate agreement, including reporting, fees, and waiver of liability. It is particularly important that the affiliate understand that, according to law, all funds received under the Society’s auspices are held and deployed at the Society’s discretion and may not be earmarked by the donor. Notwithstanding the donor’s specific designations, the Society retains ultimate discretion over all such funds and will release them for affiliate use only against evidence that the project is progressing as agreed.

The Society expects that, given the closeness of the affiliate’s purposes to those of the Society, all participants of the affiliate will maintain active membership in the Society.

The affiliate fee for the 2021-2022 year is $100, with an additional $125 fee for liability insurance coverage for venue rentals.

Application Procedures

Applications should be in writing and, among other things, should address such issues as the goals and duration of the project, the background of the key organizers and participants, administrative and financial capabilities, and details of relevant previous activities. Supporting materials might include an audio or video recording, a notice of an upcoming event or performance, press releases and reviews, and an invitation to a rehearsal.

Applications should be mailed to SFEMS, P.O. Box 27495, San Francisco, CA 94127-0495. They will be reviewed and voted on by the Society’s Board of Directors, whose decision is final.

Following approval by the Board, affiliate status will become effective upon receipt by the Society of the signed letter of agreement, accompanied by a check for the required administrative fee as well as by membership applications from those affiliate participants who are not currently members of the Society.

Questions? Please email Stacey Helley at