Albany Recorder Classes Resume January 20

Praetorius_flautasFrances Feldon will offer two classes for recorder players Tuesday nights in Albany, starting in January. The classes, sponsored by the City of Albany’s Recreation and Community Services, are held in the Band Room of the Albany Middle School, 1259 Brighton Avenue.

Low Intermediate Recorder Ensemble Tuesdays, 6:30–7:30 p.m.
In this class, students will develop ensemble skills by playing in a full SATB consort. Students refine their understanding of all elements of music making and may use the class to develop proficiency on any size of recorder, especially the larger (tenor and bass) instruments. Work with a conductor will emphasize tuning, execution of fingerings, phrasing and articulation. Consort music will be drawn from the Middle Ages to the 21st century.
[Prerequisite: Beginning Recorder 2 or equivalent, i.e. know fingerings on either S or A recorder for an octave and a half, including two flats and sharps.]

Intermediate Recorder Ensemble Tuesdays, 7:30–8:30 p.m.
This class will work on more complex music, including more one-on-a-part playing. The emphasis will be on developing all recorder technique, including greater facility, sight-reading, varied articulation, and practicing ensemble skills. The repertory will include polyphony, from medieval to modern, for recorders. [Prerequisite: To participate in this class, students must know both C and F fingerings, be able to carry a line alone, and have substantial previous ensemble experience. Students must already play SATB or be willing to learn bass.]

Classes begin on Tuesday, January 20, 2015. Registration for Albany 2015 Recorder Class opens on Monday, December 8. To view course descriptions online or to see the City of Albany Recreation 2015 Winter/Spring Activity Guide go to and click on 2015 Winter/Spring Activity Guide. Pre-registration is required; please do not show up at the first class without having registered.

You may register three ways:

1. Online, at

2. By mail or in person, download and complete this form, and mail to (or drop off at):

City of Albany
Recreation and Community Services
1249 Marin Ave.
Albany, CA 94706

3. by phone or fax, call 510-524-9283 during business hours with credit card, or fax 510-528-8914 with attached registration form.

For further information on registration, please email Rosemarie Chu at For further information on class content or requirements please email Frances Feldon at

Written by Jonathan Harris