As many of our readers know, Berkeley’s First Congregational Church suffered a major fire on the morning of September 30. Pilgrim Hall, site of the church’s offices and assembly rooms, was severely damaged. The sanctuary was less affected but suffered some damage from water and debris and is currently unusable. The congregation will be displaced for months to come as will the many public events hosted there.
First Church Berkeley has long served as a home for Bay Area early music concerts, especially larger events. It has been a favorite venue for SFEMS and Berkeley Festival concerts as well as for performances by many of our leading professional ensembles, presenters, community choirs, and others.
Many of these groups are coming together this Tuesday evening to show support for First Church through a benefit concert to defray the substantial costs of restoration. Featured performers include American Bach Soloists, Ars Minerva, MUSA, Music for A Viol, Philharmonia Baroque Orchestra, Valley of the Moon Festival, Voices of Music, and the First Church Benefit Concert Choir, consisting of professional singers from across the Bay Area.
The concert takes place just a block down the street from First Church at St. Mark’s Episcopal Church, 2300 Bancroft Way, starting at 7:30 p.m. Tickets ($50 general admission, $25 students) can be purchased on line at http://firstchurchfire.brownpapertickets.com. All proceeds will go toward unexpected expenses incurred in the fire.
This special event offers an opportunity both to thank and support the church and to joyfully celebrate the contributions they have made to our community and to the revival of early music in the Bay Area. Our thoughts go out to the members of First Church, and we hope many of our members and supporters will be in attendance.