This season’s Sunday Afternoon concert series at the California Jazz Conservatory continues on November 18 with Trio Ignacio (Katherine Heater, harpsichord: Anthony Martin, violin & viola; David Morris, violoncello) performing “Boccherini Meets Zappa.” Listen to solos, duos, and trios composed by a pair of 18th-century Italian cellist-composers, Luigi Boccherini and Francesco Zappa.
Though born in Italy (Boccherini in Lucca, Zappa most likely in Milan), the two spent much of their respective carriers abroad, Zappa in the Netherlands, Boccherini in Spain.
Boccherini (1743–1805) needs little introduction to modern audiences, having been one of the more famous and prolific composers and performers of his day. His music fuses the galant and Classical styles with elements of Spanish popular music.
Zappa (1717–1803) is less familiar, although he was highly regarded during his lifetime, both for his virtuoso cello playing and his compositions, which were published and distributed across the Continent. He made substantial contributions to the quality, vibrancy and international outlook of The Hague’s 18th-century music scene as a performer, composer, concert organiser and teacher.
Trio Ignacio members have well-established reputations in the Bay Area early music scene. They have played together for years, often embedded in bigger bands, sometimes in pairs. Working together they happily explore the little-known world of the early keyboard trio, and include in their repertoire works of Haydn, Mozart, and their namesake, Ignaz (“Ignacio”) Pleyel.
The CJC offers a casual and intimate environment where the audience can enjoy a light meal and sip a glass of wine or a cup of coffee while enjoying the concert. The concert starts at 4:30 pm at the California Jazz Conservatory, 2087 Addison Street, Berkeley. Tickets are $20 (general admission) and go on sale for each concert approximately one month in advance. Online tickets are available at https://cjc.edu/concerts/?eid=29392.