Tuesday, July 21
SFEMS Recorder Workshop
Recorder Workshop Faculty Concert, with Saskia Coolen, Rotem Gilbert, Joan Kimball, Laura Kuhlman, Daphna Mor, and Hanneke van Proosdij, recorders; Adaiha Mac-Adam Somer, Baroque cello/ viola da gamba; and Katherine Heater, harpsichord.
7:30 PM
St. Albert’s Priory Chapel
6172 Chabot Road, Oakland (off of College Avenue)
No charge for admission. Free-will donations gratefully accepted!
recorderworkshop@sfems.org, khagen@sfems.org
Friday, July 24
SFEMS Recorder Workshop
“Metamorphoses,” featuring the SFEMS Recorder Workshop Recorder Orchestra, conducted by Hanneke van Proosdij. Followed by a faculty concert including music for recorder consort with Saskia Coolen, Rotem Gilbert, Joan Kimball, Laura Kuhlman, Daphna Mor, and Hanneke van Proosdij.
7:30 PM
St. Albert’s Priory Chapel
6172 Chabot Road, Oakland (off of College Avenue)
No charge for admission. Free-will donations gratefully accepted!
recorderworkshop@sfems.org, khagen@sfems.org
Sunday, July 26
St. Paul’s Choir
Compline Service, featuring Gregorian chant, polyphony, and candlelight, in the church, with music of Byrd, Tallis, and Victoria. Compline, a service of psalms and prayers, has been sung ‘at the close of day’ in monasteries, convents and churches for many centuries, and is one of the best-loved services of the Church. It has been re-instituted in response to the renewed interest in plainsong and contemplative prayer. There is no sermon.
8 PM
St. Paul’s Episcopal Church
114 Montecito Ave., Oakland
Continue reading next week’s calendar . . .