Monday, November 25
Stanford Baroque Soloists, Anthony Martin, director
Stanford Baroque Soloists perform Music of the Bach Family.
7:30 PM
Memorial Church
450 Serra Mall, Stanford University
Free admission
Wednesday, November 27
Early Music Open Mic Night
Join us for Early Music Open Mic Night in the East Bay, 4th Wednesday of every month. This is your opportunity to perform early music in a friendly cabaret style setting. Instrumentalists, singers, soloists, groups, students, youngsters, professionals — all are welcome! Please email with the date you’d like to perform. Time slots will be up to 15 minutes, and there will be six time slots on each night. A harpsichord as well as a piano will be available on site. Food and drinks will be provided.
7–9:30 PM
Hillside Community Church,
1422 Navellier Street, El Cerrito
Donations gratefully accepted
Sunday, December 1
Cantata Collective
San Francisco Bay Area’s only professional Ensemble dedicated solely to the performance of the Cantatas of J.S. Bach proudly invites you to their next concert, featuring J.S. Bach’s cantatas Wer nur den lieben Gott läßt walten (Who only lets dear God rule), BWV 93; and Ich bin ein guter Hirt (I am a Good Shepherd), BWV 85. With Tonia D’Amelio, soprano; Heidi Waterman, alto; Derek Chester, tenor; and Harrison Hintzsche, bass. Cantata Collective aims to present the Bach cantatas free to the public, as the equivalent of a World Heritage Site, a collection of masterworks belonging to all people. Bach’s greatest body of work will be heard as vocal chamber music featuring local and internationally recognized artists. Further performances will take place in March and May. Although admission to the concerts is free, membership in the Collective will be offered so that listeners and performers may join together to make this music available to all.
4 PM
St. Mary Magdalen Parish
2005 Berryman St., Berkeley
FREE, donations accepted.
Gallimaufry Chamber Chorus, Shira Kammen, Director
“Time and the Turning Wheel,” a concert of early and traditional music about time — the passing of the day, the season, and the year, and the changes that attend it. The ensemble is unique in focusing on secular early music, and for mixing it with traditional tunes and new musical settings of early texts. The concert will include both choral music and instrumentals by Ms. Kammen, and guest artists Cynthia Black and Alexa Pilon-Hayes, on early strings.
7 PM
St. Clement’s Church
2837 Claremont Ave., Berkeley
Tickets $20/$15/$10
At the door only