Tuesday, September 2
Sacramento Recorder Society
Regular meeting for recorder players, with guest conductor Greta Hryciw. Newcomers welcome. Bring recorders, stand, and other early instruments. Music provided. Refreshments.
6:45–9:30 PM
Friends Meeting House
890 57th St., between H and J, Sacramento.
Wednesday, September 3
Mid-Peninsula Recorder Orchestra
Regular meeting, for players of recorder, early winds or early strings. Bring your instrument(s) and music stand.
7:30–9:30 PM
Music Room number 060, J.L. Stanford Middle School
480 E. Meadow, Palo Alto.
650-591-3648 or mpro-online.org
Friday, September 5
Barefoot Chamber Concerts
Shira Kammen, maestra of early strings, and Kim Silverman, fabulously literate professor of the esoteric arts and president of the Society of American Magicians, perform “Music, Magic, and Life.”
6.30 PM
Hillside Swedenborgian Church
1422 Navellier Street, El Cerrito
Tickets $15 general, $13 seniors/students/SFEMS members
18 and under admitted free and welcome.
East Bay Chapter, ARS
Monthly playing session, Greg Ingles conductor. New members and guests welcome.
7:30–10 PM
Zion Lutheran Church
5201 Park Blvd., Oakland.
Sunday, September 7
Old First Concerts
“Songs & Psalmody” The Vinaccesi Ensemble (Nanette McGuinness, soprano; Kindra Scharich, mezzo-soprano; Jonathan Smucker, tenor; Kirk Eichelberger, bass; Hallie Pridham, Baroque cello and viola da gamba; and Susie Fong, harpsichord) with guest artist Adam Cockerham, theorbo and baroque guitar, perform rarely heard northern Italian baroque madrigals, canzonettas, psalm settings, and lute songs, including works of Monteverdi, Vivaldi, Salamone Rossi Hebreo, Marcello, and Vinaccesi. This concert is dedicated to the memory of founding member Bruce Wetmore (Nov. 22, 1946–July 2, 2014).
4 PM
Old First Church
1751 Sacramento St., San Francisco
$17/ $14/ $5
Reservations & Information: 415-474-1608, http://www.oldfirstconcerts.org/tickets/