San Francisco Recorder Society’s “Tune in to the Recorder XI” Please join us for this day of beautiful music Saturday, February 21 in the heart of San Francisco’s Sunset District. Directors Louise Carslake and Hanneke van Proosdij will present music...
Wednesday, April 1 Mid-Peninsula Recorder Orchestra Regular meeting, for players of recorder, early winds or early strings. Bring your instrument(s) and music stand. 7:30–9:30 PM Music Room number 060, J.L. Stanford Middle School 480 E. Meadow, Palo...
Tuesday, January 6 Sacramento Recorder Society Regular meeting for recorder players, with guest conductor Jerry Schwartz. Newcomers welcome. Bring recorders, stand, and other early instruments. Music provided. Refreshments. 6:45–9:30 PM Friends...
A Musical Trinity: Three Types of Love Songs in One by Adam Gilbert Invoking the time honored trinity of Virgilian styles, the 15th-century theorist and composer, Johannes Tinctoris, listed three different types of songs: Cantus magnus (“grand...
The collaboration between SFEMS and the California Jazz Conservatory resumes on Sunday, January 11, 2015, with the return of Flauti Diversi, performing an unusual program entitled “Music in the Garden of Delight: The Kinship of Medieval Dance and...
Five Independent Sessions Led by John Prescott for Interested Adults John Prescott, Ph.D., will present another in his series of early music lectures this month. This five-day lecture series for interested adults will be on an entirely new topic...
Tuesday, December 2 Sacramento Recorder Society Regular meeting for recorder players, with guest conductor Jerry Schwartz. Newcomers welcome. Bring recorders, stand, and other early instruments. Music provided. Refreshments. 6:45–9:30 PM Friends...
Wednesday, November 19 Mid-Peninsula Recorder Orchestra Regular meeting, for players of recorder, early winds or early strings. Bring your instrument(s) and music stand. 7:30–9:30 PM Music Room number 060, J.L. Stanford Middle School 480 E. Meadow...
Monday, November 10 San Francisco Conservatory of Music, Corey Jamason and Elisabeth Reed, Directors Conservatory Baroque Ensemble performs arias and ensemble pieces seldom-performed early Mozart operas, including La finta semplice, Bastien und...
From Franco-Flemish Love Song to Swedish Children’s Television On Saturday, December 6, the Mid-Peninsula Recorder Orchestra will present a concert at Grace Lutheran Church, 3149 Waverley Street in Palo Alto, starting at 2:00 p.m. The program...