150 Years in France, Italy, and Holland
Marin Baroque Chamber Choir and period instrument Orchestra, directed by Daniel Canosa, will present Jewish Music of the Baroque, featuring works by Abraham de Caceres, Cristiano Giuseppe Lidarti, Louis Saladin, Antonio Brioschi, Carlo Grossi, Salomono Rossi, and Volunio Gallichi. These works, setting Hebrew texts, were written by Jewish and non-Jewish composers in France, Italy, and the Netherlands between 1600 and 1750 to celebrate such events as the dedication of a synagogue, a circumcision ceremony, or other very special occasions in Jewish life.
Performances will take place on March 22, and March 24. The March 22 concert will be held at First Presbyterian Church in San Anselmo, starting at 8:00 p.m.; the March 24 concert will be at San Francisco’s Temple Emanu-El, starting at 7:30 p.m. There will be a reception immediately following the March 22 performance. For more information, call 415-497-6634, visit www.marinbaroque.org or email [email protected].
Saturday, March 22
First Presbyterian Church, 72 Kensington Road, San Anselmo
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Monday, March 24
Temple Emanu-El, 2 Lake Street, San Francisco
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