The 2017 SFEMS Medieval & Renaissance Summer Workshop, taking place the week of July 2–8 at St. Albert’s Priory in Oakland, will have a number of evening events that are free and open to the public.
On Monday, July 3, Mary Springfels will give a lecture on Italian lauda, carnival songs, Lutheran music, and esoteric music of the Renaissance. Mary can be counted on to spin a mean Medieval yarn, a rousing Renaissance tale, and to offer fascinating facts and pose thoughtful questions. The lecture takes place at 8:00 p.m. in the St. Albert’s Priory Aula.
On Tuesday, July 4, members of the ensemble Ciaramella will present a concert of instrumental fireworks from the Renaissance. Featured performers include Adam Gilbert, Rotem Gilbert, Adam Bregman, and Malachai Komanoff Bandy, playing recorder, shawm, bagpipes, sackbut, and viol. The concert starts at 8:00 p.m. in St. Albert’s Priory Chapel.

SFEMS MedRen Faculty Concert takes place on Thursday, July 6, at 8:00 p.m. in the St. Albert’s Priory Chapel. Performers include Karen Clark and Bianca Hall, voice; Adam and Rotem Gilbert, winds; David Morris and Mary Springfels, viols; and Adam Bregman, sackbut.
The SFEMS MedRen All-Workshop Collegium Concert takes place Friday, July 7, at 8:00 p.m. in the St. Albert’s Priory chapel. Titled “Trionfo d’Amore e della Morte, 1517” the program (inspired by the year 1517) features music from the rise and fall and rise of the Medici of Florence, as well as music of the Reformation. All this will be performed by voices, viols, recorders, shawms, cornetto, sackbut, vielle, harp, and organ. Join us as we fill the sky with rousing music torn from the pages of history.
Final student performances will take place on Saturday, July 8, from 10:00-11:30 a.m. Students from this year’s Medieval Renaissance Workshop perform pieces they’ve been studying and preparing throughout the week.
St. Albert’s Priory is located at 6172 Chabot Road, Oakland — half a block from College Avenue and from the Rockridge BART station. For more information, visit www.sfems.org, email jhousesteward@sfems.org or phone 510-575-0644.