From Hothby to Cowell

On Saturday, May 31, the Mid-Peninsula Recorder Orchestra will present a concert at Trinity Presbyterian Church, 1106 Alameda de las Pulgas in San Carlos at 4:30 p.m. The program will feature a concerto by Telemann, a setting of The Song of Songs by the late medieval composer John Hothby, two recorder pieces by Henry Cowell, an Adagio by Albinoni with Nicholas Vigil, oboe soloist, three 16th-century Scottish songs and two Passepieds from the Orchestral Suite No. 1 by J.S. Bach.
The concert venue is wheelchair accessible. The Mid-Peninsula Recorder Orchestra is an affiliate of the San Francisco Early Music Society. For further information please visit the Mid-Peninsula Recorder Orchestra or call Frederic Palmer at 650-591-3648.