MusicSources Sponsors a Tribute to Bruce Wetmore

Bruce 2A memorial concert for Bruce Wetmore will be held next Wednesday, September 24, at St. Alban’s Episcopal Church, 1501 Washington, Albany, starting at 7:00 p.m. The concert, organized by Gilbert Martinez of MusicSources, will celebrate Bruce’s life and legacy in the Bay Area. It will feature performances by members of the Bay Area’s early music community, many of whom were Bruce’s personal friends.

Bruce was born November 22, 1946. A native of Massachusetts, he studied at the New England Conservatory of Music before moving to the Bay Area, where he performed as a harpsichordist and continuo player with a number of groups. He also worked for many years as an assistant to James Schwabacher. A passionate lover of harpsichord, early music, and especially baroque opera, he founded and mentored at least two ensembles here: The Handel Opera Company, which was dedicated to recreating historically accurate performances of baroque opera, and the Vinaccesi Ensemble, a vocal-instrumental chamber group that performs a variety of late Renaissance and baroque music. Members of the Vinaccesi Ensemble will be among the featured performers at Wednesday’s concert.

Bruce died on July 3 of this year, from cancer, although he suffered from multiple health problems later in life.

This event is free and open to the public. For more information, please send an email to The concert will be held in the St. Alban’s Sanctuary, followed immediately by a small reception in the Parish Hall.

Written by Jonathan Harris