Letitia Berlin is reprising or continuing the two classes for recorder players she offered in March and April.
The first is a class on J.S. Bach’s Art of Fugue. This class for upper intermediate to advanced recorder players will use Tish’s own transcriptions of works from Bach’s great collection of fugues based on a single theme. Bach’s variety of invention is endless, as you will discover during our in-depth exploration of several of these fugues. The class meets Wednesday evenings April 29 through May 27 (5 sessions), from 7:30 p.m. to 8:45 p.m. Cost for the 5-session class will be $110. There is one space left in this class.
Listen to the Amsterdam Loeki Stardust Quartet play Contrapunctus #1 here.
The second is a recorder ensemble class, which meets Wednesday afternoons, April 29 through May 30, from 3:30 to 4:15 p.m. This is an ongoing class for intermediate level recorder players who want to work on ensemble skills and technique with a small group, in a friendly but challenging environment. The class repertoire will cover everything from medieval and Renaissance through baroque, Romantic, and contemporary music. Technique exercises to limber the fingers, tongue and breathing/blowing muscles will be included. The level of the group will be determined by the people who sign up. There are several spaces in this class. Registrants will be informed of acceptance and level before start of class. Tuition is also $110.
Both classes will be held at Tish’s house, near the corner of Pierce and Washington in Albany.
To register or for more information, please call Tish at 510-559-4670 (510-882-1169 cell) or email her at [email protected].