If your membership renewal is due in the next several months but you are encountering financial difficulties, please contact Administrator Stacey Helley at [email protected]. No membership will lapse during the current crisis if we are informed that you would like to continue being a SFEMS member.
With your support the San Francisco Early Music Society (SFEMS) has, since 1975, presented high quality concerts, up-to-date publications, and some of the best education programs available anywhere. All this has contributed to the Bay Area’s reputation as one of America’s leading centers for the performance of early music.
Please consider joining the Bay Area early music community by becoming a contributing member of SFEMS. Your tax-deductible membership helps us continue our mission to increase public appreciation for historically-informed performance of early music.
Please note that membership dues are tracked separately from additional donations. When you become a member or renew your membership, you can give an additional amount that will be credited toward donor benefits.
SFEMS members receive these benefits:
Ticket discounts: 25% off concert season subscriptions, and 15% off individual tickets and Berkeley Festival subscriptions
- Workshop enrollment discounts: $50 off individual in-person summer workshop tuition; discounts to online classes
- Invitation to annual meeting: Celebrate the past year, hear what we’ve accomplished and discovered, and learn more about the upcoming season
- When we return to in-person concerts, acknowledgement in concert program for one season
- And you always have access to the SFEMS archive of articles on the events, musicians, and our early music community
Memberships start on a fixed date and lasts for twelve months from that date (the membership year). You may renew a membership within 30 days prior to the expiration date. To check whether your membership is current, sign in here. (N.B. If you use a different login email address that previously on record, please note that it will create a new, separate profile for you that will not have any membership data.) You will also receive a membership card in the mail.
- Individual ($45 for one membership year)
- Household ($65)
- 35 and under/65 and over ($35 for one year)
35 and under special: If you are 35 and under and would like to be a member for this first time, contact Administrator Stacey Helley to receive a free one-year membership.
When you become a member, please consider an additional donation to SFEMS. Membership dues represent a small fraction of our total budget—less than five percent—and we rely on your generosity to fund another third of our budget. Learn more about donor benefits and recognition!
You mail also print and mail our membership renewal form to P.O. Box 10151, Berkeley, CA 94709.