Tactus Invites Applications for Music Director—Stipend Offered

SFEMS Affiliate Tactus (tactus-sf.org), a 12–16 voice Renaissance chamber chorus in San Francisco, is seeking a Music Director to lead the chorus at weekly rehearsals and three performance weekends per year, including a summer set. The candidate must be available for evening rehearsals on Thursdays and two weekend workshops in San Francisco or the East Bay for each concert cycle. In addition, Tactus occasionally provides music for Sunday morning church services and other special events, such as the biennial Berkeley Early Music Festival. The Music Director reports directly to the membership.

To apply, please submit a cover letter briefly describing your conducting experience and qualifications for the position, together with a conducting portfolio including curriculum vitae, links to any recordings/videos, and PDFs of concert programs. For further details, see the full announcement at https://tinyurl.com/tactusdirsearch19.

Applications should be sent by email to tactussf@gmail.com with the subject line “Tactus Music Director Application.” The application deadline is January 29th, 2019 at 11:59 p.m.



Written by Jonathan Harris