Tish Berlin Offers Early Music Classes This Spring

Tish Berlin is offering two repertoire classes for recorder players from mid-May through mid-June.

Class I, “The Purcell Connection” (for upper intermediate to advanced recorder players) will explore Italian and French influences on Purcell through his sonatas for three and four parts, suites by Dieupart, and trio sonatas by Corelli. Purcell’s sonatas, written in the 1690s, were a marvel of invention, combining elements from French and Italian music with aspects of earlier English composers such as Locke and Lawes. Classes will take place Wednesdays May 10 through June 14, from 7:00 to 8:15 p.m. Tuition for the 6 meetings is $135

Class II “Medieval/Renaissance/Baroque—What’s the Difference? (for intermediate to upper intermediate instrumentalists, and singers who also play an instrument) is for those who would like to have a deeper understanding of the difference between these musical styles. The class will explore a wide range of repertoire within each of these large categories, through lots of playing, listening and a little bit of lecturing. Works ranging from chant and early polyphony to formes fixes and mass settings to chansons and madrigals to sonatas and concerti. Classes take place Tuesdays May 16 through June 13, from 2:00–3:15 p.m. Cost for the 5 meetings is $115.

Both classes will be held at Tish’s house in Albany If you have any questions about either of the classes, please feel free to give her a call at 510-882-1169 or send an email to tishberlin@sbcglobal.net.

Written by Jonathan Harris